Jacob's Ladder, a program that strives to provide opportunities for gifted, at-risk students during their formative years, recently featured a video Bonca made of her trip to South Africa through her school, Chatham Hall. She writes: "These two places have changed my life in ways I can't even express. If
it wasn't for Jacob's Ladder and all that the program and the people did
for me there then I wouldn't be where I am today. I wouldn't be the
same emotionally, spiritually, or academically. I also wouldn't be at
Chatham Hall. The camp led me to find this AMAZING school which I would
have never found without JL. Chatham Hall has been a continuous blessing
and has been a place for me to grow, learn, lead, discover, travel, and
be myself. I can't believe this fall will be the beginning of my last
year at CH, but I couldn't be more grateful for all of the support and
guidance everyone there has provided me through my high school years.
I'm so excited to return and lead my school in small ways and in big
ways. #classof2017"
Here is her South Africa video.
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