News, stories, events, updates, and all things Mount Olivet.

Thursday, April 12, 2012


The middle school Sunday School class spent Monday evening bowling. There were 17 who attended and for several it was there first time. It was also the first voyage for the church's new van. Thank you Orlin for driving.

Easter Sunrise at Natural Chimneys

The congregations of the North River Ministerial Association gathered at sunrise in front of the chimneys in Mount Solon to celebrate the good news of the risen Savior.

                                                   The tomb is empty!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Correction of a date on the January 16th post

The annual Homecoming Service featuring Darren Howdyshell as the speaker and special music will take place on Sunday April 29 at 10am. A covered dish meal will follow the service. Please join us for this time of fellowship and celebration!

Upcoming Denomenational Events

The following events are offered by the UB denomination: