"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God." (Matthew 5:9)
With all the violence in the U. S. and over the entire world so prevalent these days, I have turned my thoughts more and more to our responsibility to pray for and be examples of peace. In my studies, I came across Matthew 5:9 (written above).
"Blessed are the peacemakers" ...when the term "peacemaker" is used the initial thought is of someone who keeps the peace between two opposing parties. A "peacemaker" solves dilemmas often without the force of violence, although the threat of violence is sometimes present and to be used if necessary.
When I was growing up, I watched dozens of westerns where the sheriffs - or the good guys - were armed with the Colt 45 "peacemaker." How ironic that one of the most famous guns of the 1800's was named the "peacemaker." The idea is simply you can only have peace through strength.
When Jesus, the Prince of Peace (in Hebrew the "Sar Shalom") returns again, He will usher in the Messianic age of Shalom - His strength will be on display as He rules with a "rod of iron."
Interestingly enough, as I came across as I came across a translation in the Hebrew New Testament that said the word "peacemaker" has a completely different connotation than our understanding in English. The word "peacemaker" in Hebrew is the phrase "rod-fey shalom".
Shalom has a much richer meaning than simply the word peace. It can also mean completeness, prosperity, safety, contentment, health, blessing and rest. The word "rod-fey" in Hebrew literally means to "run after" or "to chase!"
So, in Hebrew it says "to chase after shalom" - to run after God's shalom! And one can only find God's shalom through our "Sar Shalom" - our Prince of Peace!
This new year, let's attempt to reach a new level of intimacy with our Lord! Let's run after a deeper knowledge of our Lord and in doing so, we'll experience new levels of peace, contentment, blessing and rest! With so much work to be done, isn't it good to know this is available to us NOW through our Sar Shalom!
God's grace and peace to you this new year, Pastor Todd
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