"You believe because you have seen me. Blessed are those who haven't seen me and believe anyway." John 20:29
This verse is what Jesus says to Thomas after he appears to him following his resurrection. I know we are well passed Easter ... but as believers, we are never past the resurrection - especially in Spring when reminders are all around us!
Recalling the resurrection and coming to this part of the story, I wonder, is Jesus calling us to have "blind faith"? It seems from what He's saying, it's better to believe in Jesus without actually having seen Him for ourselves. But isn't it foolish to have faith in something you can't see?
Just because we haven't touched the nail wounds of Jesus' hands doesn't mean I haven't "seen" Him.
There have been times in my life - where my faith has been reinforced by seeing Jesus in action in other people's lives, in my life as I trust in what the Bible tells me, and as I see answers to my prayers. As I look around, I also feel that I "see" God in His creation: my growing children, the mountains, the weather, and nature in general.
Unlike children who touch what they see, I can see what maybe I can't touch - seeing Jesus in other ways, but not necessarily seeing Him in bodily form. My faith then would be a sensing faith, not a seeing faith or a blind faith. After all, sometimes those without sight are the most perceptive of the reality around them.
Each day let us strive to see the Master in those things we can see - but also tune ourselves to sense the presence of God.
~ Pastor Todd
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