I can't think of anytime in my life when I needed spring more than this year. Winter has been a long haul. Snow, cold days, snow, colder days, and oh yeah ... SNOW!
I honestly believed we would have two feet of snow on our deck until July. I forgot how the birds chirp and what the sound of a lawn mower was; but I'm well aware of what the sound of a snow blower is like!
Strangely enough, there is no snow to be seen, temperatures are warming up and the birds outside my window remind me that we do come around each year.
Likewise, we are coming out of Lent and around to Easter. It's been tough these last six weeks of so to walk through the Scriptures that demand each of us look at our own place in God's story. We may have never thought we would come around to the empty tomb - and the news that our Savior has risen. But here we are. Praise be to God!
I have learned a lot this last winter:
- Get the snow blower checked out before the first major snow storm
- The weather man does occasionally get it right
- Two feet of snow on the ground doubles your heat bill
- and there are times even kids want to go back to school
Likewise, I learned through Lent:
- That I make God responsible too often for man's choice of evil
- I can be arrogant in always demanding to be right, especially when dealing with those of other religious mindsets
- God does not cause our trials, but loves us through
- and too often I hold something back from God
This spring, Easter Sunday and through our journey, I pray our lessons that were hard learned can be remembered. Most importantly, I pray we will all recall how God brought us out of our rebellious selves and around to life saving knowledge of His Son, Jesus Christ.
By the way; have you heard? The tomb is empty ... He is risen!
Strength for today,
strength for tomorrow,
~ Pastor Todd
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