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Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Powerful Prayer Life

I learned something new, praying through the Word of God.  Many people wish they could hear God speak in an audible voice.  I was reminded that we can, every time we read aloud or hear someone else read aloud the Word of God. We are reading His Word in written form. He just uses us to speak for Him, but we should still view it as if He Himself was speaking directly to us.  We need to train ourselves to hear God's voice instead of our own or the person reading scripture. Think of it this way, we are just echoing God's own words.

Here is an example of praying through a scripture passage; John 3:16

"For God so loved the world," God I acknowledge you as my heavenly Father, who truly loves me and all your creation. "that He gave His one and only Son," I am so thankful for the gift of salvation you provided through Your Son Jesus. "that whosoever believes on Him"' I do believe in Jesus Christ as my redeemer, the one who suffered and died for my sins. "shall not perish", I no longer fear eternal death for I am now a Son of the Most High through Christ Jesus, "but have ever lasting life", I now have great joy, peace, and hope for my eternal rest in Heaven when You call me home. In Jesus precious Name I pray. Amen!

Doing this allows us to personally acknowledge that we are receiving the understanding of God's Holy Word and that we are wanting to have it become affective in our life.  We also are acknowledging God as the Divine authority of His Word, and our belief that it is effective for transforming us spiritually. We relay back to God that we want His Word to teach, mold, and lead our lives.  We state our dependence of specific passages to impact our lives and the lives of others. As we read them to our children this way we pray God's authority through the read and spoken Word of God for their spiritual wellbeing and growth.

Try this for a week. Use passages that target a specific spiritual concern you desire God to help you overcome. Choose a passage that will encourage your children and/or spouse. Watch God work through your prayer time and see Him begin to transform your life.

~ Pastor John