Wednesday, March 21: Gospel Music Worship Service at 6:30pm with snacks to follow
Saturday, March 24: Young Couples Bible Study at Josh & Beck's house at 5:30pm
Sunday March 25: "I Can Only Imagine" at Regal Theater in Harrisonburg in the afternoon. Time: 1:20pm.
Sunday March 25: Lenten Bible Study at Sangerville COB from 6-8pm
Wednesday, March 28: Gospel Music Worship Service at 6:30pm with snacks to follow
Sunday April 1: Easter Sunrise Service at Natural Chimney's at 7am. Pastor John will be bringing the message.
Sunday April 1: Easter Egg Hunt for the kids at 9:30am
Saturday, April 7: Prayer Breakfast at Mossy Creek Presbyterian Church at 8:30am. Please see Lois by March 26 if you plan to attend