News, stories, events, updates, and all things Mount Olivet.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

The Children's Christmas Program

After a delicious breakfast in the social hall Sunday morning, the children and youth did a wonderful job presenting the Christmas story. Thanks to all who worked hard in preparing, and especially to the actors.


Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Christmas Caroling

Traveling a good portion of Augusta County, a group of Mt. Olivet carolers brought joy to the faces of elderly and shut-ins from Mt. Solon to Staunton to Bridgewater.

Joy to the world! The Lord has come. Let earth receive her King!

Monday, December 7, 2015

Pastor's PenPoint - "It's Better to Give ..." - December 2015

Around this time of year, we hear a phrase a lot. In fact I can remember the first time I heard it when I traveled to my aunt and uncle's house in Alexandria and was sure there were two presents under their tree for me. When I opened my gift and went looking for the second (that was never there by the way) - one of my parents uttered that famous phrase - "it is better to give than to receive." At that age I believed it was better to receive, but that was the lesson. What I had failed to give was gratitude in what I had received.

Likewise this season of Advent and Christmas, we have something to give. Something we should be eager in anticipation to give! There are 2 scriptures that point this out to us.

John 12:32, "And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to Myself." Here Jesus speaks specifically about His crucifixion. It is He who draws to Himself all who are to be saved. When we present to Gospel of the sacrificial death and resurrection of Jesus for sins, Jesus draws the sinner to Himself. He does the work, not us.

As Christians, we are to witness with truth, honesty and integrity. As the Lord presents the opportunity, we should respond in a humble and gentle spirit. And in that, we point people to Jesus. It is He alone who saves.

If we know that God's word will accomplish what God desires and that the Gospel is powerful to save and that it is Jesus who draws all men to himself, then we should realize that the responsibility of salvation does not rest on us, but on God. We are the deliverers of good news. "How shall they believe in Him who they have not heard?" (Romans 10:14). We help them hear!

These three verses should help us to gain confidence. We witness - God saves. We plant the seeds - God waters. We give - others receive. It is His word that accomplishes salvation. It is His gospel that is powerful. It is His Son Jesus who draws. We witness in power when we witness to Jesus Christ through the Word of God.

As we receive the grace and peace of God, let us bless others with the best gift this season and point others to Jesus Christ!

~ Pastor Todd

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Coming Up in December

Sunday Dec. 6 - Christmas Caroling. Meet at the church at 2:30pm.

Saturday Dec. 19 - The MMI and WMF will have a Christmas meal at Traditions Restaurant at 6:30pm.

Sunday Dec. 20, 9:30am - The children and youth will be sponsoring a breakfast in the fellowship hall. Afterwards they will  be presenting a Christmas program in the sanctuary.

Thursday Dec. 24, 6:30pm - Christmas Eve candlelight service.